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 A Complete Practice Analysis

just over five minutes

  • Snapshot your results across 9 best practice areas,
  • What to focus on to reach your next stage of growth
  • How to accelerate and simplify the journey

If you're in the business of helping others achieve better financial outcomes, I'm pleased to share this Practice Analysis tool with you.

What you have at your displosal in a means to take a "snapshot" of your practice as it is today across nine areas of “best practice”, each with their own specific elements underneath.

The underlying philosophy of it all - also a core pillar of the program I created - is this idea of a fully scalable practice business model.

What does that mean?

To me, it explains why it’s one of the most exciting times to be an advice professional; and by that I mean advisers, accountants, brokers and all you other financial experts our there.

For perhaps the first time in two decades, the game is changing.

A combination of technological, legislative and consumer change is removing the onstraints holding back “traditional” advisory business models.

Many would say, myself including, we’re on the cusp of a mainstream revolution in the way everyday people perceive, engage with and seek advice.

Which means you and your business could be on the cusp of something huge.

This fully custom report will provide a point-in-time assessment of how you see your business in terms of:

  • what you feel you’ve mastered and can rely on as a strength,
  • what is still a work-in-progress, and
  • other areas you may not have yet tackled.


That doesn’t mean this is a definitive statement of your progress, but it's a good starting place from which to build, and an effective tool to benchmark your progress from year-to-year as part of a structured ongoing planning and review process.

I've also included in there a bonus tool called The Journey to Leveraged, which provides another key overlay to know what to focus on (and what not to focus on) depending on your stage of growth.

So, if you're ready to spend less time than it takes to drink a coffee to...

Stocktake what you've already mastered...

Get clear about things you could do better...

Be inspired to create an even better business in less time...


Click the button and let's get started

How it works

You'll assess your practice against the following nine areas using a simple three-option approach that means you can produce a powerful benchmarked snapshot in literally just minutes.

Lead Generation

How well your understand your market and proposition, and how effectively your referral, digital & partnerships marketing atracts the right new clients.

New Client Engagement

How effectively you engage prospects from the moment of first contact all the way to them making the decision to work with you.


How structured you are in providing advice  efficiently and making clients' first 90 days the best possible "kickstart" experience.

Service Offering

The quality of the proposition you present to clients, what you deliver to provides the value and how you go about delivering it.

Pricing Model

Your practice fee model, how you have applied it in practice and the sustainability of your profitability system.

Client Experience

The flip side of your service model; how it's designed to make clients act and feel, and how you communicate.

Team Management

How you recruit, manage, delegate and communicate to mobilise a support team that allows you to do, deliver and achieve more. 

Systems & Processes

How well you remove key dependency from the business, achieve consistency in execution, use technology well and train at scale.

Productivity Principles

The consistent principles you and your team have adopted and apply day-by-day to plan, manage time, maximise efficiency and get it done


Your guide

Hi. I'm Stewart Bell, Business Coach and Founder of Audere.

For the last two decades I've been helping advisers, accountants and financial experts to build better business, and the last seven of those have been spent working in the space between progressive advisory models and the methodologies that fuel fast-growth tech startup firms.

I'm excited to share with you the fruits of that work, proven practical solutions across a range of areas, all highly relevant to advice firms, and tested, honed and proven from within The Leveraged Advice Firm program.

I'm even more excited to work with you personally to put these to work in your own business to help you create more impactful, profitable and efficient ways of working, to enable you to give more great advice to those who need and want it.


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